Christian Droulers

Agile and flexible programmer

AngularJS Unit Testing a Directive

Posted on 2015-03-31

Writing an AngularJS directive is all fun and games until you start fixing bugs. Then regression appear and you look like an idiot.

So I wrote my numeric directive recently and a few features were added and bugs reported. I added them and fixed them and obviously, since I had no tests, regressions appeared. So I set out to test my directive!

Here are the basics.

describe("shared.ui.directives.numeric",() => {
    var element: ng.IAugmentedJQuery,
        scope: tests.shared.ui.directives.INumericTestScope,
        timeout: ng.ITimeoutService;

    // Load required modules


    beforeEach(inject(($rootScope: ng.IRootScopeService, 
        $compile: ng.ICompileService, 
        $timeout: ng.ITimeoutService) => {
            timeout = $timeout;
            scope = $rootScope.$new();

            // Generate the HTML that we would typically use for this directive

            var html = "<input type=\"text\" ng-model=\"Price\" " + 
                "numeric=\"{ filter: 'currency', decimals: 2 }\" " + 
                "min=\"MinValue\" max=\"MaxValue\">";
            // Set the scope values to sane defaults for testing.

            scope.Price = 100;
            scope.MinValue = 0;
            scope.MaxValue = 250;
            // This basically creates the DOM element from the string

            // And runs through the full Angular $digest scope.

            element = $compile(html)(scope);
            // append the element to the body during the test to see behaviour

            // while debugging

            // This is called multiple times as it forces Angular

            // To re-evaluate its cycle


    afterEach(() => {
        // Remove from body after test, obviously.

    it("should mark as invalid for min and valid when min changes",() => {
        scope.MinValue = 10;

            // Enters the value in the input field

            // Forces Angular to realize the value has changed

            // Force the blur event, which does the formatting.

            // Not necessary for this specific test, but I added it as an example

        var hasInvalidValidation = element.hasClass("ng-invalid-min");

        scope.MinValue = 0;
        // Since the numeric directive uses $timeout while $watching min and max

        // We have to flush it synchronously for it to execute. ngMock

        // adds the flush method.

        hasInvalidValidation = element.hasClass("ng-invalid-min");

Carefully read the comments in the above code for specific tips and tricks on how to test it.

I now have a basic set up to test this directive, I can easily TDD the hell out of it for new features or bug reports!

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