Christian Droulers

Agile and flexible programmer

Handling SVG is hard

Posted on 2015-04-13

SVG is a pretty neat image format. But it’s not as easy to implement in a web page.

Many different gotchas to watch out for, browser support is not totally there yet. Here are a few things I remember having to deal with.

  1. <img> tags aren’t the best way to inline images
  2. Inlining the SVG XML directly in the page works best, but would increase the payload significantly since I have table of the same images
  3. I wanted to use the least JavaScript possible
  4. It needed to work on all recent browsers.

There were two steps. First, I wanted to use as much of SVG’s capabilities as possible, including styling. Since I wasn’t inline the SVG, I couldn’t style it using CSS in my HTML page’s source. Therefore, I created an IHttpHandler to modify a base SVG file with some extra classes.

Then, on the client side, I implement some JavaScript to add hover functionality.

Here’s the IHttpHandler:

The Web.config file must be modified:

        <add name="SvgHandler" verb="*" path="*.svg" type="Namespace.To.SvgHandler"/>

And here is an AngularJS directive for the JavaScript:

The IHttpHandler receives requests for all SVG files. It parses the file name and looks for class names in the format svg-file-name.class-names.svg. I could have used the query string, but browsers will usually understand a query string to mean that the file cannot be cached properly.

To display an SVG, it’s a simple matter of using &lt;object&gt;:

<a href="#/some-link" class="btn clickable-svg" svg-hover>
    <object data="/Path/To/SomeSvg.class-name.svg" type="image/svg+xml"></object>

I had to do a tiny bit of CSS for clickable-svg to work, otherwise, the mouse pointer doesn’t react properly:

a.clickable-svg:after {
    content: "";
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    right: 0;
    bottom: 0;
    left: 0;

a.clickable-svg {
    position: relative;
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